all postcodes in SL0 / IVER

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL0 9TH 0 0 0
SL0 9AA 1 51.507675 -0.504664
SL0 9AB 0 51.50719 -0.505337
SL0 9AD 0 51.506464 -0.504242
SL0 9AE 4 51.505226 -0.502352
SL0 9AF 0 51.505759 -0.504519
SL0 9AG 0 51.505237 -0.504628
SL0 9AH 5 51.504143 -0.491538
SL0 9AJ 0 51.506922 -0.493651
SL0 9AL 1 51.503932 -0.495363
SL0 9AN 0 51.508712 -0.48875
SL0 9AQ 1 51.504471 -0.50095
SL0 9AR 0 51.503306 -0.492113
SL0 9AS 0 51.508035 -0.505295
SL0 9AT 0 51.507972 -0.506815
SL0 9AU 5 51.508114 -0.507416
SL0 9AX 0 51.507412 -0.507203
SL0 9AY 0 51.507568 -0.506857
SL0 9AZ 5 51.507612 -0.506135
SL0 9BH 7 51.507577 -0.507621